It is easy to distinguish the notes on the property map using tags. By adding the appropriate tags to the notes, you can distinguish/discover the notes related to improvements, issues, tasks, or other criteria.

Adding tags to a note

To add a new tag to a note, open the note from the notes panel, and click on add tag icon.

Add tag option in the note card

Select a tag from the suggested tags list or add a new custom tag by typing on the search panel and select the Yes, Add this option

Add a new custom tag

Select tags from suggested tags list

The tag which is added as the first tag will be the primary tag for the note, and the note icon color will be same as this tag color.

Changing color for a tag

To change the color for a tag, click on then note icon shown next to the tag, it will open a color palette. You can select any of the shown color or reset the color to default.

Color palette for changing tag's color

The note number and note icon color will change according to the primary tag, and it can be easily distinguished on the property map

Additionally, you can use the Notes filter to filter all of the notes wrt a tag at once.